
Azienda Agricola
Levrano D'Aquino

Company profile

After withdrawing the old intensive farming, the Levrano D’Aquino farm has resumed cereal cultivation. Finally regenerated, the soil has begun to yield grains sown by our ancestors. Until recently, these crops were forced to be abandoned due to the often conflicting market laws. Now, the three key words for this farm are: Regeneration, Processing and Traceability.

Economic sector


Table grapes

olive groves




Grottaglie – Montemesola
Salento delle Murge - Rete di Imprese aggiudicataria del progetto "N'CASAMU"

finanziato nell’ambito del PSR Puglia 2014/2020 "Misura 16 – Sottomisura 16.3.2 Creazione di nuove forme di cooperazione per lo sviluppo/la commercializzazione dei servizi turistici".