
Consulentia by Carmen Valente

Company profile

Company providing administrative, management and business planning consultancy services, subsidized financing consultancy, project management and network manager.

From the design and management of the projects she has been professionally involved in and passionate about, she gains knowledge in several fields, all directed towards the sustainable development of the territory: sustainable mobility, social agriculture, sport, organic and regenerative agriculture, biodiversity, critical consumption, culture, earthworm farming, social integration and tourism.

Economic Sector

Consulenza finanziaria, gestione di progetti e di reti di impresa



Salento delle Murge - Rete di Imprese aggiudicataria del progetto "N'CASAMU"

finanziato nell’ambito del PSR Puglia 2014/2020 "Misura 16 – Sottomisura 16.3.2 Creazione di nuove forme di cooperazione per lo sviluppo/la commercializzazione dei servizi turistici".