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About us
Salento delle Murge
Salento delle Murge has been created as a network of companies with the “mission” of promoting an innovative and sustainable tourism industry, developing a distinctive brand for this part of Puglia yet to be discovered.
Twenty-four companies in synergy with the territory, from different product sectors, to discover and enhance their origins in a drive towards the future, for a shared tourist offer that focuses on the true soul of this sub-region.
Thanks to the expertise of our companies, we select itineraries and experiences to make your stay in this wonderful land unforgettable. Working together with local institutions and tourist services, the Salento delle Murge project aims to improve the quality of the tourist offer by building a new route through art, traditions, history and food to reveal all the aspects off the beaten track.
Salento delle Murge - Rete di Imprese aggiudicataria del progetto "N'CASAMU"
finanziato nell’ambito del PSR Puglia 2014/2020 "Misura 16 – Sottomisura 16.3.2 Creazione di nuove forme di cooperazione per lo sviluppo/la commercializzazione dei servizi turistici".